SEEVAL Newsletter, 2/ 2021 In this issue: International Training of Trainers Exciting webinar on social and emotional education SEEVAL in […]
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an unknown term for the mainstream Bulgarian education. It is generally perceived that formation [...]
In Greece, social and emotional education programmes are implemented optionally, under the Health Education programme, in the so called “flexible [...]
Compulsory education in Italy lasts 10 years, from 6 to 16, and includes the eight years of the first cycle [...]
An important change regarding SEL started in 1993, when the career counselling services in the Romanian education sector are delivered [...]
Ir-rapport sommarju tal-analiżi tas-sitwazzjoni attwali tal-proġett SEEVAL jiġbor flimkien l-aktar sejbiet importanti mill-inkjesti li saru dwar il-ħtiġijiet tal-istudenti u […]