Welcome To SEEVAL
The project “Social and Emotional Education – Building inclusive schools and ownership of values” (SEEVAL) is implemented with support from the European Commission under Erasmus+ program, KA3: (ref. No 612219-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN). The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Teacher’s Guide
Young people need to have a balanced set of cognitive, social and emotional competences in order to help them navigate successfully through the developmental tasks, situational challenges, and transitions they are set to face in their pathway to adulthood. They need to be able to know themselves and their strengths, regulate their emotions, deal with loss, change and adversity, solve problems effectively and make responsible decisions.


Educational Resources
Emotional literacy Primary emotions: fear – EN, IT
This lesson is part of series that comprise 6 hours of classroom engagement. This learning unit is focused on fear and includes work with history texts. During it students will master skills to: – Recognize…
Let’s cultivate empathy! Emotional literacy Primary emotions: empathy – EN, IT
This lesson is part of series that comprise 6 hours of classroom engagement. This learning unit is focused on empathy and includes work with text (including literary works). During it students will master skills to:…
Don’t be afraid, it’s just the fear! – EN, RO
The activity is addressed to students 15 – 18 years old (grades IX-XII). The activity aims to make students realise that each of us is afraid of something, that nobody is perfect, but that by…
,,Gender equality matters!” – EN, RO
The activity is addressed to students in grade 7 (13-14 years old). The aim ist o make students analyse the concept of gender equality and recognise the evidence for this, and how inclusion and equal…