Welcome To SEEVAL
The project “Social and Emotional Education – Building inclusive schools and ownership of values” (SEEVAL) is implemented with support from the European Commission under Erasmus+ program, KA3: (ref. No 612219-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN). The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Teacher’s Guide
Young people need to have a balanced set of cognitive, social and emotional competences in order to help them navigate successfully through the developmental tasks, situational challenges, and transitions they are set to face in their pathway to adulthood. They need to be able to know themselves and their strengths, regulate their emotions, deal with loss, change and adversity, solve problems effectively and make responsible decisions.


Educational Resources
Voices of Empathy: Emotional Narratives – EN, IT
The objective of this activity is to promote empathy and emotional understanding among participants by creating and sharing podcasts that explore personal experiences and primary emotions. If more time can be dedicated, it can be…
The educational garden – EN, IT
Multidisciplinary project with educational objectives of inclusion and sense of belonging in the school community. Allows learning in botany and agriculture. Helps (among other) learning about the importance of fatigue, “patience”, “care” understood as effort,…
Palette of emotions – EN, BG
The activities are suitable for students in different age group 10-15 years. Activities help students to learn to recognize and control their emotions: correct recognition of emotions and their sharing in the family; daily self-assessment…
Personal comfort zone – EN, BG
The activity will contribute to the development of a higher level of social competence of the students – a starting point for building relationships between them in the style of cooperation and effective communication. At…