The final SEEVAL Partners’ meeting was held on 16-17 January 2023 in Treviso and Mestre, Italy. The administrative workshop was organized in a hybrid manner for the Partners who were not present. The main topics of discussion were finalizing outcomes, reporting and exploitation activities. The hosts had organized two visits to piloting schools and workshops for the project experts and guest teachers.
During the first day, the group visited Istituto Canossiano Treviso where SEEVAL piloting teachers presented their work on implementation and results, and introduced future plans for sustainability of the program. Designed by Prof. Galiazzo and the teachers, the program traces a roadmap for development of the social and emotional skills of the students over the course of four years.
Visiting school’s classrooms and the afternoon workshops, the project experts and teachers were able to explore some action protocols and examples of educational practices for social and emotional learning, resources and teaching tools useful for the development of soft skills in students such as self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision making, relationships and values.
At the second day was organized visit and activities to Istituto Caio Giulio Cesare in Mestre. The hosting school teachers shared their work and provided a rich program for the visitors with the participation of many students. The activities included examples of gardening in the school garden; exploring physical education as a community – learning about different sports; using foreign languages, music and arts to connect. The guests attended a touching lesson in literature aimed to develop social-emotional skills and learning about other cultures, and countries, and received pictures with personal messages by immigrant students.
- Start Date:16.01.2023
- Start Time:09:30
- End Date:17.01.2023
- End Time:17:30
- Location:Treviso, Italy