Current Situation Analysis Report-Romania

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  • Niżżel 21
  • Daqs tal-Fajl 2 MB
  • Għadd ta' Fajls 1
  • Oħloq Data 11.07.2023
  • Aġġornata l-aħħar 11.07.2023

Current Situation Analysis Report-Romania

An important change regarding SEL started in 1993, when the career counselling services in
the Romanian education sector are delivered through new structures established at schools and
universities, namely through counselling offices. Currently over 2000 counsellors are employed
all over the country in the pre-tertiary system. School counsellors need a BA level background
in psychology, education sciences or social studies or a Master degree in counselling.

The guidance and counselling services aim to provide tailored personal development interventions
and career guidance to facilitate a better adaptation to the school environment as well as to
smoothen transitions between different study or career stages.