The activity is addressed to students 15 – 18 years old (grades IX-XII). The activity aims to make students realise that each of us is afraid of something, that nobody is perfect,…
The activities are suitable for 4+ graders. Within 40 minutes, they have the opportunity to give ideas and listen to the ideas of their classmates; work according to certain rules; have the…
A stimulating activity for students in the 11th grade, a multicultural and inclusive environment for students with different levels of motivation. Duration 60 min. The goal is to activate the imagination of…
An activitiy suitable for 10-year-old students and lasts 1 lesson – 40 minutes. At the end of this class, students will be able to more easily experience and understand the power of…
The lesson is suitable for 15-year-old students (8th grade) and aims to improve skills in understanding media information and, above all, how to detect “fake news”.
The activity will contribute to the development of a higher level of social competence of the students – a starting point for building relationships between them in the style of cooperation and…
The activities are suitable for students in different age group 10-15 years. Activities help students to learn to recognize and control their emotions: correct recognition of emotions and their sharing in the…
The activity can be adapted for different countries and could include important people for their history and culture. Within a month, activities suitable for students of the 6th grade are carried out,…
Countering violence, aggression, bullying. At the end of this activity, students will be able to more easily understand and define their own emotional states and distinguish between categories such as good and…