In the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Social and Emotional Education – Building Inclusive Schools and Ownership of Values” (SEEVAL) national round tables in all participating partner countries were realized. In Austria the round tables were organized by WUS Austria in cooperation with Karin Sonnleitner and Sascha Ferz from the Center for Social Competence at the University of Graz. In total 21 persons took part in three different round tables in January 2021. Among the participants were schoolteachers and school psychologists working with children aged 12 to 18 as well as teacher trainers from Universities and University Colleges for Teacher Education. Experience in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) was a precondition for participation.
The topics that were being discussed ranged from the specific SEL context in Austria; good practices, methods, and material on SEL to changes needed for a better implementation of SEL at schools. Moreover, the conclusions from the SEEVAL surveys on SEL competencies of students were discussed. During the round table discussions good practices of SEL in Austria were collected, the project activities were disseminated, and awareness on the project targets was raised. The report on the Austrian National Round Tables, compiled together with the Center for Social Competence, can be found here.
- Start Date:16.02.2021
- Start Time:09:30
- End Date:16.02.2021
- End Time:15:30